
2015 Reading Challenge

2015 Reading Challenge
Lynn has read 2 books toward her goal of 150 books.

Friday, August 30, 2013


by L.A. Witt

In WIRELESS, we are taken to a futuristic society where touch is forbidden and sex is only had by fugitives in underground clubs.

In an effort to rid the world of sexually transmitted diseases and the deaths they were causing, the government has banned sex and any physical contact that might lead to sex. Everyone is required to wear head-to-toe suits, including gloves, to avoid skin to skin contact. However, the government recognizes that sexual release is needed to keep people from going mad, so they have created simhouses. This is where people go to get their prescribed dose of orgasms… from a virtual reality machine.

Keith has worked in a simhouse for years and was never effected by the nudity or sexual simulations until Aiden started coming in for sessions. Keith can't explain his feelings towards Aiden, but he knows he has to have his sessions right after Aiden leaves to curb the desire he feels. When Aiden requests a sim partner that looks just like Keith, it confirms Keith's suspicions that Aiden has been flirting with him. Aiden risks his job and his freedom by telling Keith that he participates in wireless sex in underground clubs and wants Keith to come with him. Keith can't resist the temptation and once he's experienced wireless sex, he can't imagine his life without it. Or Aiden.

This story was so unique from anything else I've ever read. I love the idea of using disease elimination as a platform to outlaw sex, but not sexual release. Is this the government's way of making sure people don't go crazy from a buildup of sexual desire or a way for the government to make money through the simhouses? Or both.

The storyline was so detailed and thought out, for example, people not even being able to touch skin with another person for fear of it creating sexual desire. And the illicit underground clubs where people go not just for sex but just to touch other people. The exploration of the idea that humans are meant to have contact with other humans to be functional members of society is fantastic. I loved the author's depictions of the addictive qualities of sex and the risks people will take to get it, like a drug!

The relationship between Aiden and Keith is very sweet and filled with adventure and emotional turmoil. They show us that love is worth taking risks for.

This was a great story that I would love to see expanded upon in a sequel. There are so many more things the author could explore in this world!

The Romance Review

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